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Did somebody say cupcake ?

Valentines Day is just around the corner, why not celebrate with a Lola's cupcake...

Social Media Manager

Fancy joining the team ? The CRSA are looking for a volunteer to help manage its social media pages.  Whilst the core team focus mostly on fundraising and events, we need support in updating our Facebook and Instagram pages.  You'll be provided with the kit required to do the role and work with the team to promote CRSA activities.  If you are interested please email either or 

Gladiator Visit !!

Wow !!! so Friday 24th January 2025 will forever be remembered as the day a real life Gladiator came to Cromer Road School.  Zack George aka "Steel" was amazing !! coming to assembly to meet all the children (and teachers of course ! 😁 ) and spoke to everyone about the importance of healthy balanced eating, hydration, confidence and mindset.  Followed by classroom visits for pictures and answering questions. 

CRSA Co-chair " What an absolute treat ! we're very grateful to Zack and his team for coming to school to speak to the kids, he was simply brilliant and has certainly inspired everyone".  

Elm Class parent "My son came home talking about developing confidence, overcoming fears, healthy eating and living and he wants to start a jar to put our happy memories in it!! He was definitely inspired by him!! Thank you for organising it"

Toy & Gift Amnesty

On Monday and Tuesday 13th & 14th January we will be hosting a gift amnesty stall.  If you received any unwanted gifts new and unopened from the holidays then please bring them along. There will be a box on the table by the front gate of school at drop off and pick up for you to leave donations.

Every Little Helps !!

Well done to everyone who popped their blue tokens into the CRSA's Tesco collection bins during July, August and September. Thanks to your weekly shops we managed to raise £500 for our community Garden .... as they say "Every Little Helps"

Xmas Wreath Magic

A sprinkling of Christmas Elf magic came to school on a December Thursday evening, only this time it was the Adults who benefitted ! The 2nd Annual Xmas Wreath Workshop again proved a massive hit for everyone who came.  A massive thank you to Ursula from The Flower Bank for showing us novices the art of wreath making. Some beautiful displays left ready to hang on the front door. 

Winter Fair Thank You ! - £3,747

Storm Burt tried to put a dampner on it but over 300 of you crazy people braved the wind and rain to support our school's winter fundraiser.  It was a fabulous effort from parents and volunteers alike to put on some wonderful stalls, I think the "Poo in the Loo" was a firm favourite with adults and kids alike!  CRSA Co Chair Nikki Rice commented "We were a bit concerned with the weather but a massive shout has to go to everybody who helped us put the fair on because without them we'd have no event, it was hard work but everyone seemed to have fun". 

The CRSA have arranged a brilliant easy fundraiser with a Stikins Labels. The multipurpose personalised name labels help save time and money by reducing lost property, they can be used for cloths, shoes, lunch boxes and all school items and the company have been suppling since 2003 so their work.

To order simply visit or call 01270668076 using our unique school fundraiser number 5337 and with each order placed the CRSA receive 30% commission all at no extra cost to you.

Support the Team

Want to help support the team but not sure how ? take a look at our jobs board to see if anything appeals... 

Fundraising whilst you spend ?... surely too good to be true....  Click here to learn more Easyfundraising 

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© 2022 by Cromer Road School Association PTA. Registered Charity Number 1074964