Latest News...

We've got some exciting news to share with you..

Parentkind – a charity that supports school PTAs - have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative. To support our PTA, all you have to do is opt-in through the Asda Rewards app, choose our school, shop and scan in store or shop online at

Between 2nd September and 30th November 2024 – every time you shop with Asda using your Asda Rewards app, Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to Cromer Road School. Also, every time somebody opts-in to support our Primary school, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus, it doesn’t stop there – Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started.

The supermarket has joined forces with Joe Wicks to support the initiative – look out for the TV advert, radio ads and social media coverage!

It’s as easy as 1,2,3

1. Download the Asda Rewards App, register and opt-in to Cashpot for Schools (make sure you have the latest version of the app installed) 

2. Choose Cromer Road School – either searching by name or postcode EN5 5HT

3. Shop instore across Asda and George, or online at and start filling your Cashpot as you shop

Asda does the rest, all money raised will be donated to the school to spend on the things they need the most.

Remember, anyone can sign up – so start spreading the news and raising funds for our school.

This initiative is on top of the existing Asda Rewards benefits you get as a shopper – so you won’t lose out on any of your own earnings or Cashpot, so everyone is a winner!

Garden Project Update

Over the summer break there has been a lot happening in the new garden!  The wildflower meadow is looking beautiful right now with cornflowers, poppies, daisies to name just a few.  We have been adding oxygenating plants to the pond as well as having a solar powered oxygenator - which the resident fox seems particularly fascinated by!  The sun has shone and there has been a bumper crop of a variety of delicious tomatoes - beef steak, cherry and money makers as well as some huge courgettes, and beetroot on the way.  The pupils have been enjoying some ‘school grown’ tomatoes at break times this first week back.  We will be planning which vegetables to grow across the seasons for the children to enjoy seeing and hopefully tasting too!  Go to Garden Project Page 

2024 Meeting

This year's AGM will be held on Wednesday 2nd October at 7:30pm online using Zoom.  Please contact us for the link CRSA Secretary.

What's this AGM thing all about ?

As a school parent and member of the CRSA you will get to see the Honorary Executive Commitee report on how the charity has been doing this past year. Reports will be shown on the state of its finances and you get the opportunity to ask questions and hear plans for the next year.  You also get the opportunity to cast a vote on the committee election.

We want to know your views..

We would love as many of you as possible to complete a quick questionnaire on the CRSA. We think we're doing an alright job but it would be great to find out from you what you'd like to see from us over the next year or so.  

Please click on the link below to take you to our google form.  

CRSA Questionnaire 

CRSA Ennis Hill.mp4

Our Olympic Ambassador with a few words...

Throughout July until the end of September we are in the customer vote for Tesco Stronger Starts.  It is a scheme which gives community projects like our community wildlife garden grants of up to £1,500.

Tesco customers will vote using blue tokens in any of the local Barnet stores to decide how much funding we get.

Remember to ask for your blue token the next time you shop. 

Garden Project 

Win £1,000 for your school’s library

Help your school #rebuildthelibrary, plus win a £100 National Book Token for yourself!

Five lucky schools from across the UK and Ireland will each win £1,000, with one overall winner also receiving £500 to upgrade their library space. Nominate a school to win one of our big prizes and encourage reading for pleasure all year round.

National Book Tokens 

Summer Fair 2024 ....

Well Done Cromer Road !!

Well the July weather we wanted didn't come until late in the day, but my word a huge well done to everyone who came to this years Summer Fair.  Despite the rain we had a record attendance just shy of 700 people (you crazy lot !) In addition the stall holders and food vendors all reported a healthy afternoons business so fantastic work all round.

The raffle was drawn at the end of the day and our winners should now have been contacted by CRSA reps about claiming their prize. 

The CRSA bean counters are still finalising the total amount raised so watch this space for further news.

A special thanks to all those traders, volunteers and helpers who braved the rain during the fair setup in the morning.

The CRSA have arranged a brilliant easy fundraiser with a Stikins Labels. The multipurpose personalised name labels help save time and money by reducing lost property, they can be used for cloths, shoes, lunch boxes and all school items and the company have been suppling since 2003 so their work.

To order simply visit or call 01270668076 using our unique school fundraiser number 5337 and with each order placed the CRSA receive 30% commission all at no extra cost to you.

Support the Team

Want to help support the team but not sure how ? take a look at our jobs board to see if anything appeals... 

Fundraising whilst you spend ?... surely too good to be true.... 

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© 2022 by Cromer Road School Association PTA. Registered Charity Number 1074964